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Integrating dashboards to view process metrics and indicators


I use the Bonita community version 7.6.3 community to run some processes and would like to know if there are any documents or reports from anyone who can create a plug-in to display business intelligence (BI) software dashboards. This is extremely important because even with some automated processes, I would like to follow the indicators on the panels in a simple and agile manner.

Using a groovy script in a groovy custom page?

I have a grrovy script "MyUtil.groovy" written using the "Development->Manage Groovy Scripts" menu option in the studio and use it extensively in various connectors, operations etc in my process.

However I'd now like to use it in groovy custom page as well, but cant get it to work.

"import MyUtil;" says it cant resolve.

And any attempt to use MyUtil.myFunction(...) in the page code also reports that there is no variable called "MyUtil".

I presume this is a class path issue, but cant work out how to tell the page code to use the script.

Any clues?

How to install/configure the Longboard Page

Hello ,

I am using Bonita Community 7.2.2 and when I cant install the longboard Page, or specificaly, configure it to work.

I appreciate all the help you can provide.



Just in case people haven't seen this: page_gasoline : Rest SQL DataSource + Admin page

I was just about to fire off some questions about the "DATA SOURCE REST API EXTENSION" as it seemed to overwrite any changes I made in the query file - this looks like the perfect, easily maintainable replacement.

I'll be digging into it today.

Thanks Pierre!


hi, someone can help
i try to integrate a simple customPage write in HTML to my portal
my error message is :


my page properties files is :

Développement des pages personnalisées


Je suis en train de développer une page personnalisé pour Bonita, mais je voudrais savoir les environnements de développements possibles, pour l'instant à chaque modification je dois générer et importer le fichier zip de la page pour pouvoir tester le résultat ce qui est juste pénible.

Je voudrais savoir si y'a moyen d'installer une nouvelle page personnalisée sans passer par le Portal d’administration ainsi que le fichier zip.


Is it possible customize the Overview page?

Hello, I want to customize the Overview page, is it possible?

Thanks in advance Manolo

philippe.ozil's picture

Bonita BPM Dashboard built on AngularJS and integrated as a custom page in the Bonita Portal. Based on Fabio Lombardi's (Bonitasoft) original work Edited by Philippe Ozil (Bonitasoft).

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Releases for Bonita AngularJS user dashboard integrated into a custom page

Total downloads: 3 939
Version BonitaBPM Version Post date Download Link to content
v1.3.0 - Client side pagination release 6.3.x 2014-Oct-08 Download
Release note
Stats update 6.3.x 2014-Oct-06 Download
Release note