
enrico.curiotto's picture

Editions: Teamwork, Efficiency, Performance and Enterprise

This project shows some examples on how to use event handlers.

An event handler is a java code that is executed when a certain event is listened.

We can consider to use it when sometimes we need to move from process to platform perspective.

We need to be careful in setting up these events because a wrong implementation can have a strong impact on the platform performance.

The following use cases are covered in the example (at the moment). Handlers that trigger when:

  • Any new human task is activated

  • Any task is assigned to a new user

  • A human task is executed and the handler will get the value of a transient data variable

For sake of simplicity the handler will just log into the filesystem some information.

Releases for Event handlers examples

Total downloads: 998
Version BonitaBPM Version Post date Download Link to content
1.0 7.x 2020-Nov-25 Download
Release note

How to view the Development Engine logs?

I was build an application that has connectors with external database, in the studio everything works normally, however now that I imported the * .bar file to an error development engine on the first connector, so I need to see the development engine logs to find the error that may be occurring, have any way to view the development engine logs in your interface?

Bonita Eclipse Marketplace

Dear All
I want to get knowledge of bonita source code, hence, I want to open Bonita BPM Eclipse Marketplace from "http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/bonita-bpm#group-details" link. which version of java SDK and eclipse IDE do I need? should I set any configuration in IDE before run it?
I want to get information about Bonita engine and how it handles the tasks that assigned to each user in Process?
