
How to get a group, searching by incomplete group name?

Bonita: 7.1

groupList = [





I use the following API:


result = []

I want:

result = "Europe_england_york".

It only returns what I want if I search "Europe_e".

thanks in advance.

Sort records from API Call

The documentation shows the 'o' parameter in the API call to order multiple resources records (

Is this overruled by the Ordered By part of the BDM's query? Or perhaps I just have the syntax wrong?

Can't find Search pane in Studio


I wanna improve the Portal search field to filter particular values in cases and display the result.

As the Bonita documentation, this is done by defining search index :

No count on search method REST API

Hi, Is this possible with the REST API to use search method without specify the count parameter, and so gets all results ? When I don't put this parameter, I get only 10 results. For example, when I have 13 cases, I want to retrieve all of them without writing in the request the count parameter. Thanks a lot,


ttoine's picture

This is a small Bonitasoft plugin for the Firefox search bar.

Firefox search bar plugin

This way, you can search directly on Bonitasoft's websites, right from your browser search bar !!!

Releases for Bonita Web Search - Firefox plugin

Total downloads: 1 873
Version BonitaBPM Version Post date Download Link to content
1.0 7.x, 7.0.x, 6.x, 6.5.x, 6.4.x, 6.3.x, 6.2.x, 6.1.x, 6.0.x, 5.x, 5.10, 5.9, 5.8, 5.7, 5.6, 5.5, 5.2 2014-Jul-31 Download
Release note

apiAccessor.getQueryRuntimeAPI().search(MYQUERY,0,1) throws exception in clustered env

We use following method to query our cases:


and it works fine in our DEV and QA Bonita envs (which are single instances), but in our UAT (clustered) Bonit env, it throws follwoing exception:

Search Criterion with date variables


I'm using BOS 5.0.9

I'm trying to add a date variable to my search criterion, but can't get the expected results

My code is:

how to use SearchQueryBuilder criterion with "not"?


how do I use a "not", or something like that, in the criterion of a query?

If I want all the process intances where the active user is the logged user I can do something like this:


But if I want the opposite? the instances where the active user is NOT the logged user?

Thanks in advance,
